Monday, July 2, 2012

Feels like a Faux Fourth...

Usually my entire house is decked out in all things Americana for the 4th. It's one of my favorite holidays. 

This year is different, as most of my decorations are boxed up for our move. I managed to keep a few things out, because I would feel sacrilegious if I did not have some sort of patriotic decor! It's bare-bones minimum, just enough to keep me from feeling all Benedict Arnold-y.

 Uncle Sam on my Hoosier Cabinet
In addition to the stress of selling and building a home, our 8 year old Beagle, Charlie, had surgery 2 weeks ago. He had bi-lateral ACL repair and is on strict cage rest. This was his 3rd major surgery since October. His first surgery was a ventral slot repair, to fix 2 blown discs. In April, he blew his first ACL and we went with a conservative surgery. We knew that the risk of his other ACL blowing was not a matter of if, but when. We just didn't expect it to be 8 weeks after his first surgery...which ultimately failed. Our vet decided to do both legs at the same time...really no other choice. His recovery has been progressing quite well, albeit slow. Our other dog, Lola, had the same neck surgery in April. We did not know that over the years, jumping off the bed would cause such damage. Charlie was a rescue dog...I lovingly refer to him as the most expensive free dog ever.  

Charlie is NOT a fan of the aqua treadmill!

So, between taking the critters to therapy and doling out meds, and trying to pack AND have meetings about the new house, my seasonal decorating is pretty lame. Pun intended. Not to mention the expense of it all. You try not to add it all up and I realize how blessed we are to have been able to help them heal from what could have been a fatal neck injury. But wozwers, it was pretty pricey. When people see my dogs, I laugh and tell them they are looking at what would have been my future facelift, or blinged out stove. 

But a facelift or blinged out stove won't love me unconditionally. They won't howl for joy when I walk into a room. Oh, and they also won't cover me in their fur or roll in deer poop, but whatevs. It's the least we could do for these little creatures who have nothing but love for us. 

The Fourth of July is their LEAST favorite holiday. The fireworks cause them much distress. They are the same way during thunderstorms. I didn't want to drug them, so we bought a Thundershirt for each of them. LIFE SAVERS, I tell you! (No compensation here, but I just love this product) Charlie would get so upset I really thought he was going to have a heart attack. Lola tried to dig a hole to China in our carpet. Now, they are still concerned, but their anxiety has been reduced by 75%. Not. Even. Kidding. Tractor Dan scoffed at the idea at first, but as soon as the radar looks like it's going to be nasty, he runs to get their shirts. 

Best things for our dogs since peanut butter!
Our 4th will be pretty laid back, with Charlie still on cage rest.  

We will calm the dogs down as our neighbors shoot off fireworks, and maybe have my parents & the kids over to throw a few burgers on the grill. I know they are going to be underwhelmed at my decor for the 4th, but I will promise to make up for it next year.  

Have a safe and happy 4th!

linking up at Common Ground's Patriotic Party!
and at The Farmhouse Porch's Cowgirl Up!


  1. Hello- I have popped over from French
    Larkspur. Hope you are enjoying blogland.

    Congratulations on all of your excitement!

    I am a new follower and would welcome you to join my blog.


  2. Thanks, Melinda! Im headed over to your place now!

  3. Oh Charlie is so very cute!!...Hope he gets better soon!...Good luck on the move too!

    1. Thanks, Shirley! He's our only "son", lol.

  4. I just nominated you for an award on my blog. Stop on over when you get the chance. :) Angela

    1. Oh my gosh...seriously? Thank you...Im blushing...and it isn't from the 105 degree heat or peri-menopause, lol.

  5. This post made me smile from start to finish. First, I'm one of those who usually puts out my patriotic decor on Memorial Day and enjoys it all summer till Labor Day. Lots of in and out of town since Memorial Day, and it just hasn't happened. Not one thing! And it certainly isn't because I don't have anything. LOL
    Last year we hosted a neighborhood party for 50, this year it will just be the two of us. So guess I'll just set a small table tomorrow and that will be that. Makes me sad not to have my Uncle Sam figures and flags out and about.
    Then you started talking about your dogs. I'm right there with you on this one too. We adopted a Lhasa in March. Such a sweet girl! I can't imagine that we wouldn't do anything for her. So I totally understand. Who wants a face lift anyway???? LOL
    But it was the "thunder shirt" that made me laugh out loud. I flew to Santa Fe recently and picked up Sky Mall in flight. There they were ~ thunder shirts. Our sweet Sadie is a nervous little girl when we take her in the car. I think she must think she is going to be taken to yet a different home. Soooooooo I think we might try one of these shirts. Your recommendation has made me think about this as a solution.
    Love that I've found Faux Pas Farm Girl.
    Happy 4th of July and good luck with all that's going on in your life. ~ Sarah

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I didn't think anything would help them. My vet suggested human melatonin pills, and while they helped a tiny bit, it just felt wrong to give them a pill every time it storms- and around here, that happen a lot! I use their shirts for car rides, as well! It really calms them down. I did have a harness that attached to the seat belt, but they would get too spastic and practically choke themselves in the derned seat belt! Have a great 4th!

  6. Oh I'm so glad to have found your blog..or you found me and then I found you back! yay!...can't wait to read deeper...lots of fun

    1. You're not going to believe this, but our property was dubbed "Pura Vida" by the couple we bought it with!! Glad we found each other!

  7. I saw that, too funny! Glad you came over! Just found out that the fireworks at the park around the corner are a go for tonight, thanks to the teensie bit of rain we've received. Ugh....shirts are ready to go, lol.

  8. I saw those Thunder Shirts at the pet store and wondered if they worked. That picture of Charlies in the treadmill, cracks me up. The things we do for our pets!

  9. I know, right?? They have worked wonders for our pets, but I do have a friend who says it did nothing for her dog. But of course, our dogs are the smartest in the world. :)

  10. I hope your pup feels better soon! And good luck with your move.

  11. Thanks, Jennifer! He is getting stronger and stronger each day!

  12. So glad your pup is on the mend! So nice that you came by! Hope your move goes well!

  13. Glad your dog is on the mend. And you are better off with out the face lift I think. I'm your newest follower and will head on over to twitter to follow you.

  14. Oooops couldn't find you on twitter.What's your handle

  15. Thanks, Carolyn! Plastic surgery is like home remodeling...first you paint and then say, "Oh my, I need windows!" Then you get windows and realize the roof is falling down, the furnace is shot and you need a new stove, lol. There is no end!!! I'm @FauxPasFarmGal on Twitter.

  16. Glad to hear your puppy is getting better. Yuck to the face lift!!! :)
    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!! Check out the information on my blog. Congratulations Linda!! :)

  17. How awesome is your blog?! I love your witty writing style, very funny:) I just came over to tell you I awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award, but I see Ms. Dewdrop Gardens here beat me to it. Oh well, I already published it. So glad to have found you! I'm your newest fan!
    Sheila @

  18. Thanks for the kind words on my blog Linda! I had to smile at the pooch has one of those too because he has some serious storm anxiety - as in barks from the time a storm is within 20 miles coming or going! Aaagh! We have had some success, but not as much as I'd hope. But we keep trying and were told it could get better with time when it comes to the shirt. Love your blog - definitely a follower now!!! Jane

    1. You're welcome, Jane! It took a few storms to get them used to it, lol. I also found that they would see my reaction to their stress when it stormed, and it made it worse. I hate storms!! (Maybe they make one for humans?) I try to be as calm as possible, and that has helped a bit, too. :)

  19. Glad your pup is better. I loved your comment about the most expensive, free dog! LOL!!!


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